Lecturer in polytechnics- Electrical and Electronics Engineering

  Kerala PSC has announced Lecturer in polytechnics Exam to be on 9,December 2016. This is a great opportunity for the B.Tech (EEE) aspirants. Here is the features of this job opportunity.

  • Department Technical Education
  • Name of Post :  Lecturer in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
                                                           (Govt. Polytechnics)
  • Scale of pay : `  15600-39100/- (AICTE Pay band with AGP 5400)
  • Number of vacancies :  29 (Twenty Nine)
  • Method of appointmentDirect Recruitment
  • Age Limit20 -39 as on 01.01.2016
  • Qualifications
First Class Bachelor’s Degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology from a
Recognized University after undergoing a regular course of study
Note : Basic qualification for the post in the order of preference
(i) B.Tech/BE Degree in Electrical Engineering
(ii) B.Tech/BE Degree in Electical and Electronics
  • Last date of receipt of Applications: 08.2016 Wednesday up to 12.00 midnight.
The attractions of this job are in plenty. This examination provides you an opportunity unlike other ordinary PSC examinations as no other PSC exam will help you to get AICTE faculty benefits. A stress free working environment with lesser working hours compared to other jobs, around 2 month’s paid vacation in a year.
You can check the official notification Here
The Syllabus of Lecturer in Poytechnics Electrical and Electronics Engineering, is
  1. Technical Mathematics
  2. Basic Civil Engineering
  3. Basic Mechanical Engineering
  4. Basic Electrical Engineering
  5. Essentials of Electronics
  6. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

the detailed syllabus can be downloaded from here.
Lecturer in polytechnics- Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lecturer in polytechnics- Electrical and Electronics Engineering Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan on November 04, 2016 Rating: 5

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