Basic Electrical MCQ set 1

February 26, 2019

Basic Electrical MCQ set 1


1. A transformer works on the principle of

A. Faraday's law of electrolysis
B. Mutual induction between two inductively coupled circuits..
C. Self induction of coils
D. Conduction of current between primary and secondary

2. When a DC supply is given at primary of an unloaded transformer

A. Primary will carry heavy current and may possibly burn..
B. Secondary will carry heavy current
C. We will get high voltage on secondary side
D. We will get a A.C voltage on the secondary side according to run ratio

3. Buchholz relay is used in

A. line protection
B. Motor protection
C. Generator Protection
D. Transformer protection..

4. The temperay
Basic Electrical MCQ set 1 Basic Electrical MCQ set 1 Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan on February 26, 2019 Rating: 5

Best Books for RRB Junior Engineer Recruitment Examination 2018-2019

February 22, 2019

 Best Books for RRB Junior Engineer Recruitment Examination 2018-2019

1. RRB Junior Engineer 2018-19 : Chapter-wise & Year-wise Solved Papers 2014 & 15 (17 Sets) Paperback – 27 Sep 2018

 2.   RRB Junior Engineer Recruitment Examination 2018-2019 Paperback – 18 Jul 2018

General Science for Indian Railways RRB Exams - ALP/Group D/NTPC/JE

RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) 2019 - Junior Engineer CBT -I & II - Electrical Engineering Paperback – 31 Dec 2018

RRB JE 2019 CBT - I PREMIUM STUDY KIT Paperback – 2019

RRB: Junior Engineer Centralised Recruitment Exam Guide Paperback – 1 Mar 2018

Lucent gk

1.     Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Paperback – 21 Feb 2017by R S Aggarwal

   Buy it Here  

2.     Reasoning- A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning (Old Edition) (R.S. Aggarwal) Paperback – 15 Mar 2017

           by R S Aggarwal
      Buy it Here     

3.     GK- LUCENT GK

         Buy it Here 

5.     Mechanical Engineering-
         Buy it Here   

6.     Previous questions - RRB Junior Engineer 2018-19 : Chapter-wise & Year-wise Solved Papers 2014 & 15 (17 Sets)

7.     Electrical engineering

8.     Electronics Engineering

9.     Civil Engineering


Best Books for RRB Junior Engineer Recruitment Examination 2018-2019 Best Books for RRB Junior Engineer Recruitment Examination 2018-2019 Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan on February 22, 2019 Rating: 5

Telecommunication Objective Questions with answers, UVH,VHF,LED,LCD

February 22, 2019

Telecommunication Objective Questions with answers, UVH,VHF,LED,LCD


Wireless radio communication was developed by
Ans : Guglielmo Marconi

First telecommunication device was
Ans : Telegraph

The frequencies transmitted by TV station is called
Ans : Channel

For radio transmission BBC uses
Ans : Short waves

Short waves ranging  from 14m to 60m are used for
Ans : International communication

The waves which travel long distances without loss in intensity
Ans : Short waves (14m to 60m)

Short waves ranging from 14m to 60m are used for
Ans : International communication

The waves which travel long distance without loss in intensity
Ans : Short waves (14m to 60m)


Electro magnetic spectrum between 30MHz and 300 MHz is called
VHF is used in
Ans:Radio Transmission and Radar


Frequency ranging from 300 MHZ to 3GHz is called
Ans : UHF
UHF is used in 
Ans : Ratio Transmission and Radar


Frequency ranging from 300MHZ to 3GHz is called
Ans : UHF
UHF is used in
Ans : T.V, Communication of satellite etc.
Ans : Teleprinter Exchange
The device used for communicating the text and images through telephone lines
Ans : Fax machine
The device used to convert audio frequency signals into sound
Ans : Loudspeaker
The instrument which has ability to convert sound into magnetic energy
Ans : Tape recorder


LCD - Liquid Crystal Display  
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LED is used as monitor, clocks, watches, calculators, telephones etc.
LED was invented by
Ans : Oleg Losev and Nick Holonyak
Working principle of LED 
Ans : Electroluminescence

Telecommunication Objective Questions with answers, UVH,VHF,LED,LCD Telecommunication Objective Questions with answers, UVH,VHF,LED,LCD Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan on February 22, 2019 Rating: 5

Objective Questions on Basic Electronics- Semiconductor, Integrated Circuits, Logic Gates

February 21, 2019

Objective Questions on Basic Electronics- Semiconductor, Integrated Circuits, Logic Gates

Objective Questions ELECTRONICS

The study of nature, control, and application of electrons

Ans: Electronics

Vacuum tubes work on the principle of 
Ans : Thermionic emission 

The simplest form of a vacuum tube 
Ans : Diode

The device used to convert alternating current (AC) to Direct Current (DC) 
Ans : Rectifiers 

The device which converts DC energy into AC energy
Ans : Electronic oscillator 

The process which makes the current to pass in the same direction is called 
Ans : Rectification

Now thermionic valves are completely replaced by
Ans : Transistors

Miracle child of electronics 
Ans : Transistor 

Triode was invented by 
Ans : Lee De Forest 

Element used in solar cells 
Ans : Silicon


Materials whose conductivity lies between conductors and insulators

Ans : Semi conductors

Examples of semiconductors are
Ans : Germanium, Silicon

Semi conductor in pure state is called
Ans : Intrinsic Semiconductors

In intrinsic, number of holes is equal to number of
Ans : Electrons

The process to improve conductivity 
Ans : Doping

Process of adding controlled impurities to a pure semiconductor is known as 
Ans : Doping

The substances used for doping 
Ans : Dopants

An intrinsic semiconductor undergoes doping, change into
Ans : Extrinsic semiconductor 

Extrinsic are of two types:
(1)N-type semiconductor
(2)P-type semiconductor 

In N-type, charge carriers are
Ans : Electrons

An intrinsic semiconductors have
Trivalent impurity (eg: Boron, Gallium)
Pentavalent impurity (eg: Antimony, Arsenic)


Solar cells (silicon)    transistors

diodes    Integrated circuits (IC)


The electronic device which has semiconducting property that allows current to flow in one direction 

Ans : Diode

Diode is mostly used to convert 
Ans : AC to DC

Diode is used as a 
Ans : Rectifier

Zener diode is used as 
Ans : Voltage regulator


A semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power

Ans : Transistor

Transistor is operated at low temperatures and voltages.

Three regions of a transistor
Ans : Emitter, Base, Collector 

Transistor transfers a signal from a low resistance to
Ans : High resistance 

Transistor was invented by
Ans : John Bardeen, W.H. Brattain and William Shockley 

Electronic intelligene is called 


The circuits that act as transistors, diodes, resistors etc is called

Ans : Integrated Circuits 

'IC' chips are made up of
Ans : Silicon or Germanium 

IC was invented by 
Ans : Jack Kilby

IC chip using Silicon was invented by 
Ans : Robert Noyce


The electronic circuit which works only on two voltage levels (0 and 1) is called 

Ans : Gates


1. AND Gate 

2. OR Gate 
3. NOT gate

Universal logics are - NAND, NOR

Voltage levels In a circuit is either represented by
Ans : '1' or '0'

The level '1' represents
Ans : High voltage level

The level '0' represents
Ans : Zero voltage level

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Objective Questions on Basic Electronics- Semiconductor, Integrated Circuits, Logic Gates Objective Questions on Basic Electronics- Semiconductor, Integrated Circuits, Logic Gates Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan on February 21, 2019 Rating: 5

Basic Civil Engineering MCQ-set 3

February 20, 2019


 Basic Civil Engineering MCQ-set 3

1.Stones are obtained from rocks that are made up of:

a) Ores
b) Minerals
c) Chemical compounds
d) Crystals

Answer: b
Explanation: Rocks are made up of minerals. They can be monomineralic(single mineral) or polymineralic(more than one mineral).

The hot molten material occurring naturally below the surface of the Earth is called:

a) Lava
b) Slag
c) Magma
d) Tuff

Answer: c
Explanation: Hot molten material is called Lava when it erupts from a volcano and reaches the surface. Slag is waste material from smelting of ore. Tuff is a porous rock formed by consolidation of volcanic ash.

Which of the following is not a metamorphic change?

a) Calcite to schist
b) Limestone to marble
c) Shale to slate
d) Granite to gneisses

Answer: a

Explanation: Calcite is a carbonate mineral whereas schist is a metamorphic rock formed by metamorphosis of mudstone/shale to higher degree than slate.

Why is natural cement used very limitedly?
a) Brown in Colour
b) Standard consistency is not met with
c) Sets too quickly
d) Particle size is too fine

Answer: c
Explanation: Natural cement sets very quickly after addition of water and hence it is not quite workable. Artificial cement is preferred over this.

Who invented Portland cement and in which year?
a) William Aspdin, 1824
b) William Aspdin, 1840s
c) Joseph Aspdin, 1840s
d) Joseph Aspdin, 1824

Answer: b
Explanation: Joseph Aspdinpatented Portland cement in 1824. William Aspdin, his son is regarded as inventor of modern Portland cement due to his developments in 1840s.

What is the average particle size of cement?
a) 15 microns
b) 45 microns
c) 75 microns
d) 100 microns

Answer: a
Explanation: Approximately 95% of cement particles are smaller than 45 microns and the average particle size is 15 microns.

What is the meaning of soundness of cement?
a) Ability to flow when mixed
b) Ability to make ringing noise when struck
c) Ability to form strong and sound structure
d) Ability to retain volume after setting.

Answer: d
Explanation: When cement paste hardens and sets, it should not undergo any volume change. Soundness ensures this and is tested using Autoclave expansion test.

Time elapsed from the instance of adding water until paste ceases to behave as fluid is called:
a) Initial setting time
b) Final setting time
c) Intermediate setting time
d) Absolute setting time

Answer: a
Explanation: Final setting time is the time required for cement paste to reach certain state of hardness. Option c and d does not exist.

Which of the below mentioned is not a result of field test performed on cement?
a) There should not be any lumps
b) It should feel cold when you put your hand in bag of cement
c) The colourshould be blackish grey
d) It should not be gritty when rubbed with finger

Answer: c
Explanation: The colourof cement is normally grey with a greenish tint. There are different shades –lighter and darker, but it does not go as dark as blackish grey.

Which equipment is used to test setting time of cement?
a) Core cutter
b) Vibrator
c) Universal testing machine (UTM)
d) Vicatapparatus

Answer: d
Explanation: Core cutter is used to determine dry density of soil. Vibrator is used in sieve analysis. UTM can be used to test various parameters –tension, bending, shear of various materials. Vicatapparatus consists of a needle, used to penetrate the cement paste sample.

What is the initial setting time of cement?
a) 1 hour
b) 30 minutes
c) 15 minutes
d) 30 hours

Answer: b
Explanation: As per IS code 4031-part 5, the initial setting time of cement is minimum of 30 minutes. After this cement will start losing its plasticity and will not be workable.

Use of coarser cement particles leads to:
a) Low durability
b) Higher strength
c) Low consistency
d) Higher soundness

Answer: a
Explanation: For coarser particles, hydration starts on surface of particles, hence, it might not be completely hydrated. This causes low strength and low durability.

Wet cement can cause severe skin burns if not washed off with water immediately.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Cement is highly alkaline and setting process is exothermic. Wet cement is strongly caustic and causes skin burns. Similarly, dry cement causes eye or respiratory irritation, when it comes in contact with mucous membranes.

What is the most dominant constituent of cement?
a) Silica
b) Lime
c) Magnesia
d) Alumina

Answer: b
Explanation: Cement contains about 60-65% of lime. Silica constitutes 17-25%, alumina 3-8% and magnesia 1-3%.

Deficiency of lime in cement leads to:
a) Unsound cement
b) Disintegration of cement
c) Quick setting of cement
d) Expansion of cement

Answer: c
Explanation: Presence of lime in sufficient quantity is necessary to form silicates and aluminates of calcium. Excess lime leads to expansion, disintegration and unsoundness of cement.

You can watch the class here  PART 1   ,  PART 2


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Basic Civil Engineering MCQ-set 3 Basic Civil Engineering MCQ-set 3 Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan on February 20, 2019 Rating: 5


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