Objective Questions on Basic Electronics- Semiconductor, Integrated Circuits, Logic Gates

Objective Questions on Basic Electronics- Semiconductor, Integrated Circuits, Logic Gates

Objective Questions ELECTRONICS

The study of nature, control, and application of electrons

Ans: Electronics

Vacuum tubes work on the principle of 
Ans : Thermionic emission 

The simplest form of a vacuum tube 
Ans : Diode

The device used to convert alternating current (AC) to Direct Current (DC) 
Ans : Rectifiers 

The device which converts DC energy into AC energy
Ans : Electronic oscillator 

The process which makes the current to pass in the same direction is called 
Ans : Rectification

Now thermionic valves are completely replaced by
Ans : Transistors

Miracle child of electronics 
Ans : Transistor 

Triode was invented by 
Ans : Lee De Forest 

Element used in solar cells 
Ans : Silicon


Materials whose conductivity lies between conductors and insulators

Ans : Semi conductors

Examples of semiconductors are
Ans : Germanium, Silicon

Semi conductor in pure state is called
Ans : Intrinsic Semiconductors

In intrinsic, number of holes is equal to number of
Ans : Electrons

The process to improve conductivity 
Ans : Doping

Process of adding controlled impurities to a pure semiconductor is known as 
Ans : Doping

The substances used for doping 
Ans : Dopants

An intrinsic semiconductor undergoes doping, change into
Ans : Extrinsic semiconductor 

Extrinsic are of two types:
(1)N-type semiconductor
(2)P-type semiconductor 

In N-type, charge carriers are
Ans : Electrons

An intrinsic semiconductors have
Trivalent impurity (eg: Boron, Gallium)
Pentavalent impurity (eg: Antimony, Arsenic)


Solar cells (silicon)    transistors

diodes    Integrated circuits (IC)


The electronic device which has semiconducting property that allows current to flow in one direction 

Ans : Diode

Diode is mostly used to convert 
Ans : AC to DC

Diode is used as a 
Ans : Rectifier

Zener diode is used as 
Ans : Voltage regulator


A semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power

Ans : Transistor

Transistor is operated at low temperatures and voltages.

Three regions of a transistor
Ans : Emitter, Base, Collector 

Transistor transfers a signal from a low resistance to
Ans : High resistance 

Transistor was invented by
Ans : John Bardeen, W.H. Brattain and William Shockley 

Electronic intelligene is called 


The circuits that act as transistors, diodes, resistors etc is called

Ans : Integrated Circuits 

'IC' chips are made up of
Ans : Silicon or Germanium 

IC was invented by 
Ans : Jack Kilby

IC chip using Silicon was invented by 
Ans : Robert Noyce


The electronic circuit which works only on two voltage levels (0 and 1) is called 

Ans : Gates


1. AND Gate 

2. OR Gate 
3. NOT gate

Universal logics are - NAND, NOR

Voltage levels In a circuit is either represented by
Ans : '1' or '0'

The level '1' represents
Ans : High voltage level

The level '0' represents
Ans : Zero voltage level

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Objective Questions on Basic Electronics- Semiconductor, Integrated Circuits, Logic Gates Objective Questions on Basic Electronics- Semiconductor, Integrated Circuits, Logic Gates Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan on February 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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