RRB JE previous Questions|RRB JE Solved paper Set 10
21. Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
1) Electric Field 2) Average Velocity
3) Power 4) Magnetic Momentum
22. If the velocity of a body is doubled
1) Its Kinetic
Energy is doubled 2) Its potential Energy is doubled
3) Its Momentum is doubled 4) Its Acceleration is doubled
23. Clothes keep us warm in winter because they1) supply
2) do not rediate heat
3) prevent air from contacting the body
4) prevent the heat of the body from escaping
24. Permanent magnet can be made from
1) Cobalt 2) Aluminum
3) Zinc 4) Lead
25. Who among the following is known as 'Father of Biology'?
1) Aristotle 2) Darwin 3) Lamark 4) Hippocrates
26. Spiral shape bacteria is called
1) Diplococus 2) Bacillus
3) Cocus 4) Spirillum
27. Which of the folloiwng bones is not found in human leg?
1) Tibia 2) Humerus 3) Femur 4) Fibula
28. The enzyme found in human saliva is
1) Renin 2) Ptylin 3)
Tenin 4) Resin
29. Virus of 'Bird Flu' is also known as
1) NH51 2) NH15 3)
H5N1 4) N5H1
30. 'Gypsum' is an ore of
1) Iron 2) Calcium 3) Sodium 4)
31. Which of the folloiwng is used for killing rats?
1) Zinc Phosphide 2) Duralumin 3) Zinc Oxide 4) Sodium
32. Which of the following is not an isotope of Hydrogen?
1) Protium 2) Eritium 3) Deuterium 4) Tritium
33. Which of the following is not an Input Device?
1) Keyboard 2) Scanner 3) Mouse 4) Printer
34. http://www.discovery.com is an example of
1) Web brower
2) Website
3) Web page 4) Internet Service Provider
35. A prescribed set of well-defined instructions for
solving mathematical problems
is called1) A Compiler 2) A code
3) A description 4) An algorithm
36. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with the
Directive Principles of the
State Policy?
1) Part I 2) Part III 3) Part IV 4) Part V
37. The 44th amendment in the Constitution of India removed
which one of the
following rights from the category of Fundamental Rights?
1) Freedom of Speech 2) Equality before Law
3) Right of Property 4) Freedom of Religion
38. Who was the first Chief Minister of Bihar?
1) Krishna Singh 2) K.B. Sahay
3) Mahamaya Prasad Sinha 4) Karpoori Thakur
39. Who was the Prime Minister of India just before Dr.
Manmohan Singh?
1) H.D. Deve Gowda 2) I.K. Gujral
3) P.V. Narasimha Rao 4) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
40. Japan's Parliament is known as
1) Diet 2) Dail 3) Yuan 4)
Tokyo House
RRB JE previous Questions|RRB JE Solved paper Set 10
Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan
April 17, 2019

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