Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ's for Industrial Extension officer, SSC JE, RRB JE, Sub Engineer, Electrician,Lineman

Basic Electrical Engineering.

Hi friends, in this post, I would like to discuss with you some objective questions on Basic Electrical Engineering. This will be helpful for RRB JE, SSC JE, Industrial Extension officer Kerala PSC,Sub Engineer Electrical, Line Man, Electrician etc.

1.     Force of attraction or repulsion between two charged body is given by;

·        Charles law

·        Biot Savarts law

·        Coloumb’s law….

·        Lenz’s law

2.     One Tesla equals;

·        1000 Weber/m2…..

·        1 Weber/m2

·        3.14 web/AT

·        1 AT/m

3.     The total resistance of 30 ohms resistor and a 60 ohms resistor connected in parallel is ;

·        20 ohms….

·        90 ohms

·        45 ohms

·        15 ohms

4.     One joule is;

·        1 watt sec….

·        I volt sec

·        1 Ampere Sec

·        None of these

5.     An instantaneous change in voltage is not possible in;

·        Resistor

·        An inductor

·        A capacitor….

·        A current source

6.     Superposition theorem is applicable only for circuits which are ;

·        Linear….

·        Non linear

·        Linear and Bilateral

·        Bilateral

7.     Which of the following is heaviest?

·        Electron

·        Neutron….

·        Proton

·        All have same mass

8.     Reciprocal of resistivity is known as;

·        Conductivity…….

·        Specific resistance

·        Conductance

·        Specific resistivity

9.     Which of the following is the lightest?

·        Electron ….

·        Neutron

·        Proton

·        All have same mass

10.                        Which one has negative temperature coefficient of resistance?

·        Copper

·        Carbon

·        Aluminium

·        Iron

Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ's for Industrial Extension officer, SSC JE, RRB JE, Sub Engineer, Electrician,Lineman

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Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ's for Industrial Extension officer, SSC JE, RRB JE, Sub Engineer, Electrician,Lineman Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ's for Industrial Extension officer, SSC JE, RRB JE, Sub Engineer, Electrician,Lineman Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan on January 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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