MCQ s on Basic Electrical Engineering set 2 for Industrial Extension Officer,RRB JE, SSC JE,Sub Engineer Electrical, Line Man, Electrician

Basic Electrical Engineering set 2
Hi friends, in this post, I would like to discuss with you some objective questions on Basic Electrical Engineering. This will be helpful for RRB JE, SSC JE, Industrial Extension officer Kerala PSC,Sub Engineer Electrical, Line Man, Electrician etc.

1.     Which device stores electrical energy?

·        Inductor

·        Capacitor……

·        Thermistor

·        Resistor

2.     What is the unit of conductance?

·        Ohm

·        Mho….

·        Henry

·        Watt

3.     Heat developed in conductor is proportional to the square of the:

·        Current….

·        Voltage

·        Power

·        Time

4.     From the following materials, which one has higher resistivity at 200 C:

·        Copper

·        German silver

·        Mercury

·        Nichrome….

5.     The resistance of a heating coil required in a 2500 watts heater used on 200 V main will be

·        10.25 ohms

·        16 ohms….

·        25 ohms

·        12.5 ohms

6.     The resistance of 100 meter length of copper wire of 14SWG IS ‘X’ OHMS. The resistance of 100 of copper wire of 8 SWG will be

·        More than ‘x’ ohms

·        Equal to ‘x’ ohms

·        Less than ‘x’ ohms….

·        Equal to ‘x’ohms

7.     The colour code for 100 ohms resistor is

·        Black, Red, Orange

·        Red, Black, Red

·        Brown, Black, Brown…

·        Black, Black, Red

8.     The sequence of colour band on a 47 K ohm with ±5% tolerance resistor will be

·        Yellow, violet, yellow and gold

·        Yellow, violet, orange, and gold………..

·        Yellow, violet, orange and silver

·        Yellow, violet, brown and silver

9.     The power factor of a purely resistive circuit is

·        Zero

·        Unity…..

·        Lagging

·        leading

10.                        1 M ohm, 1 W resistance is likely to be a:

·        Wire wound resistor

·        Carbon resistor….

·        Rheostat

·        None of above

11.                        If three,30µF capacitance are connected in series. Find

MCQ s on Basic Electrical Engineering set 2 for Industrial Extension Officer,RRB JE, SSC JE,Sub Engineer Electrical, Line Man, Electrician MCQ s on Basic Electrical Engineering set 2 for Industrial Extension Officer,RRB JE, SSC JE,Sub Engineer Electrical, Line Man, Electrician Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan on January 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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