Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ's set 3 for Industrial Extension Officer,RRB JE, SSC JE,Sub Engineer Electrical, Line Man, Electrician

Basic Electrical Engineering set 3
Hi friends, in this post, I would like to discuss with you some objective questions on Basic Electrical Engineering. This will be helpful for RRB JE, SSC JE, Industrial Extension officer Kerala PSC,Sub Engineer Electrical, Line Man, Electrician etc.

1.     If three, 30 µF capacitance are connected in series. Find  the effective value

·        30 µF

·        60 µF

·        90 µF

·        10 µF….

2.     A thermistor has

·        High temperature co-efficient

·        Variable temperature co-efficient

·        Positive temperature co-efficient

·        Negative temperature co-efficient…

3.     One horse power is

·        735.5 Nm/s….

·        756 watts

·        1000 Wh

·        745 Ws

4.     The unit of inductance is

·        Webbber

·        Farad

·        Semens

·        Hentry…

5.     Unit of conductance is

·        Seimen….

·        Ohm

·        Tesla

·        Weber

6.     An electric lamp of 40 watt will consume one unit of energy in ………. Hours

·        2.5

·        4

·        25…..

·        40

7.      The” super position theorem” is essentially based on the concept of

·        Duality

·        Linearity….

·        Reciprocity

·        Non-linearity

8.     Solder is an alloy of

·        Lead-tin……

·        Copper- tin

·        Tin -silver

·        Tin –silver- lead

9.     A closed switch has a resistance of

·        Zero….

·        Infinity

·        About 10ohm

·        Atleast 1 k ohm

10.                        Which device stores electrical energy?

·        Inductor

·        Capacitor……

·        Thermistor

·        Resistor
Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ's set 3 for Industrial Extension Officer,RRB JE, SSC JE,Sub Engineer Electrical, Line Man, Electrician Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ's set 3 for Industrial Extension Officer,RRB JE, SSC JE,Sub Engineer Electrical, Line Man, Electrician Reviewed by Bibi Mohanan on January 05, 2019 Rating: 5
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